Next Steps: Twitter
August 29, 2007
Twitter hit it big with the early adopter crowd, but it doesn't look like it's going mainstream any time soon. Why is this? What steps would you recommend Twitter take to create a stronger, more compelling solution? Where would you like to see Twitter in six months from now?
Below are my 5 recommended next steps for Twitter.
Next Steps - Twitter
- Encourage integration within other online platforms - create an embedable drag and drop add to my iGoogle solution from within iGoogle (already available from 3rd party developers) and on the Twitter homepage.
- Create and encourage usage of a desktop AIM alert type component where Twitter updates are displayed.
- Enable thumbnail photo and video posting with blowout full display on cellphones, laptops or within desktop application.
- Twitter is remarkably similar to a chatroom in it's form if not function. Why not enable one to one and build-out group chat functionality? Not all Twitter subscribers want to read all responses!
- Make Twitter smarter. I want a Twitter feed that only sends me relevant content. I don't want a text message ever time anyone I subscribe to says "good morning" but I do want to know what other people at events are thinking while we're all listening to the same speaker.
Disclaimer - I am a Twitter subscriber and while I have Twitted on a personal front (not professional or media related) I am probably not the typical Twitter user. Please feel free to comment both in agreement and disagreement regarding the Next Steps presented above.
I think most would agree that Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce and others represent a growing set of powerful communications tools with tremendous future potential. What strategic next steps would you like to see over the coming months? Will these steps help these tools gain mainstream adoption, or is microblogging really only for the digerati? Will the growth of mobile extensions of social networks like Facebook and MySpace affect these tool's futures?
For more Twitter analysis I would strongly encourage that you check out Chris Brogan's breakdown of Twitter users and user behavior.