around the blogosphere : 10-30
around the blogosphere : 10-31

10 Minutes Well Spent

Times_2 If you had an additional 10 minutes a day, what would you do?

It may not seem like much time, but it's long enough to change the world.

If you spent 10 minutes every day as a Big Brother you would change a life.

If you spent 10 minutes in the middle of every day reading or relaxing you will be a better, healthier person in 10 years from now.

If you spent 10 minutes creating a meaningful and provocative video on YouTube, you can change the world.  The 10 minute clip below has been viewed 1,484,348 times.   In aggregate this video generated over two hundred and forty seven THOUSAND hours of meaningful educational messaging.  Spend ten minutes in social media, and you can change the world.

So take 10 minutes, and check out the video below.  It's provocative, it's powerful, it's meaningful, and it provides a compelling case for changing the world in just 10 minutes.

Kudos to Gavin over at Servant of Chaos for sharing this amazing video.
