around the blogosphere : 10-26
October 26, 2007
If Facebook doesn't become the future of online/digital community based collaboration and communication, this week will be remembered as the week that Facebook sparked the dot-oh crash.
Is the story here that kids look dress like adults, that adults dress like kids or a bit of both?
This is too good. Click through for the video, it's worth the click, trust me. If your not satisfied after the click, full money back warranty!
And you can't view network content off their sites outside the US. Obviously this will take longer to iron out, but isn't this what the internet is supposed to be all about?
so A VC got unlocked an iPhone. Apple is now selling unlocked phones in France. Will Apple embrace US usage of legally unlocked French iPhones, or will we see a second round of iBricking and even more POed users?