Last week Intel launched a beautiful, creative, visually stunning campaign micro-site/app called The Museum of Me. The premise is simple: give the app access to your Facebook data, and it will create a walking tour of a museum exhibition all about your life. This exhibition features your friends, your updates, your wall posts and comments, your photos, videos and your social graph. The visuals, design and music combine to create a truly touching experience with a substantial wow moment.
And to those that believe this is narcissism, I say get over it. If looking through your old photos is narcissism, then we're all guilty. Sure, there are people who will obsesses over it, but for the rest of us, it's a touching experience.
Great Work Intel!
This is effort very well executed effort. First off, it lives on Intel's domain at - and not on Facebook! While Intel clearly states that they are not saving your Facebook data, they could use the visitation cookies and on-site data for retargeting, tracking etc.
Additionally, as a properly deployed Like-able page The Museum of Me displays in Facebook search results. Intel also features The Museum of Me on their Facebook page. This is one of the best examples I've come across of great experience architecture. The experience is easily discoverable, simple, and the end product is stunning. The experience ends with a Core i5 tagline and a social call to action. Very well done Intel (and presumably your agency partners).
The Museum of Me As A Privacy Rights and Data Capabilities Tutorial
When the user starts The Museum of Me app they are prompted to give the app access to lots of profile data. In general, most people either don't consider just how much data they are providing to app developers, or simply don't care. I don't know too many people who think twice before clicking Allow.
As with seemingly everyone else in this space, I'm regularly engaged in conversations regarding user privacy. From a neighbor or relative unloading their privacy concerns during a barbecue, to giving seminars to local high school students on the importance of safe social networking, privacy is a real issue.
On the flipside, most Facebook creatives don't fully consider possibilities provided by the wealth of data available to them through the Facebook API. Whereas many Facebook marketing efforts feel bland and impersonal, this data holds incredible promise.
The Museum of Me is fantastic example of the wealth of data exchanged with that little click of the Allow button. In addition to a stunning creative execution, this is an incredible educational tool. If you haven't played with it yet, I strongly recommend visiting and checking it out. And if you are presenting a seminar or series of Facebook API capabilities or privacy 101, this is another great tool in your kit.