7 Great iOS Facebook Integrations For iOS6
June 11, 2012
With Tim Cook clearly hinting at an upcoming integration of Facebook into future Apple products, what is this going to look like? What could a rich Facebook integration into iOS6 entail?
Below is my wishlist.
7. Integrated Address Books
Facebook already has all of my friend's phone numbers and email addresses. Why not pull them together?
6. Media Sharing
When I take a picture, I want the option to post to Facebook just like iOS5 enables Twitter sharing. The same can be said for all the usual status updates - I just bought a song, I just watched a movie, etc. I'm combining these as they seem to be very similar low hanging fruit.
However, in a more innovative lane I would love to see Facetime for Facebook. Facetime could finally become a viable product. I never know which of my friends have their wifi turned on, but if they are already online on Facebook I would love to be able to instantly start a video chat.
5. Smarter Content Recommendations
I want my book store, app store and iTunes recommendations to provide data from my participating Facebook friends. What did they buy? What did people like me do? What apps can Facebook and Apple recommend based on my behavior and my social graph?
4. Calendar Integration
Facebook events should become calendar events.
3. Birthday Integration
This sounds silly, but it would be nice to have an optional meeting type alert on each of my friend's birthdays. This should be easy to turn on and off.
2. Facebook Apps As iPhone Apps
From a technical standpoint this will take quite some time to work out, but I want to see a world where app developers build one core experience that lives in different interfaces as an iOS app, Facebook desktop app AND as an experience in the Facebook mobile app. Brands and developers need a better solution for making their apps more meaningful on mobile, particularly as more Facebook users shift to mobile.
1. Wow Me
Please, do something totally new. Do something I never would have considered. Join mobile and social to create an entirely new dynamic that will open new worlds of innovation. I’m getting tired with the same old predictable tweaks. I don't know, maybe throw in something totally crazy involving a new Facebook search that integrates Siri. Bottom line: make it wow.