Hi, my name is Jon. I like to write, I enjoy speaking, but at heart, I am a conversationalist.
I am a husband, I am a father, I am an emerging "humanity" evangelist, I am a musician and I am a NY Mets fan (I know, right?). From an early age, I have always had a fascination with the evolutionary impact of technology and media on the human experience. Whether it be watching televisions with my father's ad-man commentary on commercials, or being the first kid in my school to play with mp3s, time shift video on an old tv tuner card, or hacking a Palm Pilot to play Seinfeld, emerging "humanity" has been a lifelong hobby. And one day, I hope to have emerged as a human, myself.
By day, I am the Sr Evangelist with Kampyle, a leading Voice of the Customer solution. In this role I manage our thought leadership, marketing automation, and lots of other goodness. If you have any questions regarding Kampyle or our solutions, please feel free to be in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Prior to joining Kampyle, I was a product marketing manager with Conduit, at the time a leading global web tech company. Working with both Wibiya and the U Browser teams, we developed next-gen engagement solutions that better connected publishers to users, and users with their favorite content and connections. Unfortunately, both of these products have since road off into the sunset of great, unrecognized innovations. Taking a step further back in time, I led all aspects of customer-marketing with Champions Oncology, where I served as their Marketing Director, SalesForce guru and all things marketing-oriented.
But this story really starts on a cold December day when I joined Digitas as an emerging technology and human behavior specialist. Beginning as an Emerging Channels Specialist, I led Fortune 500 brands through the shiny, distracting and brilliantly promising landscape that is marketing in an emerging technology landscape. As a member of this team, I founded Digitas' social practice and saw it grow from a team of one to a large, global multi-disciplinary team. I authored agency POVs (Hotsheets) on emerging trends, developed and led agency social training and served as a founding member of the VivaKi Social team.
Client vertical experience includes the automotive, travel, healthcare, transportation, CPG, finance, consumer technology, content publishing and enterprise IT, web marketing and fashion/lifestyle industries.
Areas of experience include: marketing automation, thought leadership, business transformation design and strategy, customer service design and optimization, social marketing, paid and earned media, public relations, product development, CRM platform management, customer experience management and CX marketing, business and monetization strategy, all things analytics and customer insight management. And I like cheese. I know it's not relevant, but those were far too many business words in a row, and I would like to remind you that I am human. On that note, I'm not really a huge fan of cheese, but thanks for sticking with me on that one. I appreciate it.
2011 - Thirty Under 30 - Direct Marketing News
2008 - Personal Blog featured on AllTop.com Social Media
2005 - Lander College Marketing Association Citation for Outstanding Contribution
In addition to enjoying long walks on the beach, good music and great food, I am a lifelong tech enthusiast with an eye towards the future as determined by the synthesis of technology, societal trends, and the resulting consumer and community behavioral dynamic. I don't have all the answers. I have opinions and perspectives. And I hope you do too. Please feel free to join the conversation, whether it be in the comments, on your own blogs, on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, or even at PTA meetings.
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to getting to know you real soon.
If you have a product or offering and would like to be featured on this blog, please feel free to reach out via email. This blog does not accept any other form of sponsorship or advertising. Participation in a beta test or trial of a product or service does not entitle the sponsoring party to any coverage or similar endorsement.
That said, I love reading new books, hearing fresh perspectives and playing with the latest technology. If you have a solution and would like to reach out, I look forward to hearing from you!
If you are a start-up looking for some fresh ideas, please send an email to me directly. Comment and Trackback spam are not welcome. Continued abuse will lead to bad karma. And nobody wants bad karma.
All views expressed within this blog and by this blogger are solely my own and in no way reflect those of my employer.